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SKU: EN-B20514

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Altman, a graduate of Head Royce, first came up with the idea for a book series about her cat when she traveled to Athens, Greece, about eight years ago. “I noticed all these cats around the Acropolis wandering in places where people can’t go and realized that they probably know more about the Acropolis than the people visiting,” she said. “I thought, ‘What if my cat could meet them and get the inside scoop on the Acropolis?’ Now, every time my husband Matt and I go somewhere, I’m always thinking how it could be another adventure for Indy.”.

My secret double-life started much longer ago than that, In high school, I had a circle of friends who bonded over our love of long-winded orchestral rock and literary folkies such as Cat Stevens, One of my friends one day gushed to me about a lesser-known Stevens album titled “Mona Bone Jacon.” custom made to order lace up baseball ballet flats. baseball stitched holographic silver and navy blue flats. womans us sizes 5- “It’s by the far the best thing he ever did,” he said, I went out and bought it, popped it on my turntable — and hated every dark, morose second of it, I realize now the album was born out of a painful collapse he had suffered from being a young artist overwhelmed by the pressures of the music business, But at the time, I just wanted to hear more catchy songs like “Wild World” and “Father and Son” — the stuff they played on the radio, I never told my friend I hated the album, I also never told him one of the first records I ever bought was by the raucous J, Geils Band..

GENTLE READER: Surely, even if there is a last-minute decision to attend, your relative and his daughter will have thought of how to manage his basic needs, including feeding him. Miss Manners commends your desire to make this man comfortable, but warns you to leave the particulars of how best to do that to the ones who are most often around him. Likely, all you can do is ask where to seat him comfortably during the ceremony and after — and how else you may best accommodate the situation. Please send your questions to Miss Manners at her website,; to her email,; or through postal mail to Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.

Carrie Mae Weems, 6:30 p.m, Oct, 16, Artist and photographer Carrie Mae Weems discusses her work on the opening day of her retrospective, Carrie Mae Weems: Three Decades of Photography and Video, Cemex Auditorium, 641 Knight Way, Stanford, Free, 650-723-4177 or, Deborah Butterfield, 6 p.m, Oct, 22, Sculptor Deborah Butterfield, whose bronze horse is in custom made to order lace up baseball ballet flats. baseball stitched holographic silver and navy blue flats. womans us sizes 5- the Cantor’s main lobby, talks about her work, Annenberg Auditorium, 435 Lasuen Mall, Stanford, Free, 650-723-4177 or

Pacific Art League of Palo Alto. “Science, Technology & the Future of Art,” juried exhibition featuring new media and digital art, installation, photography and traditional mediums. “Joyful Vision,” solo exhibition by mixed media artist Rosine Ferber. Through Nov. 28. Pacific Art League of Palo Alto, 668 Ramona St., Palo Alto. Free. 650-321-3891 or Peninsula Museum of Art. Sculpture and Drawings by Richard Deutsch, through Jan. 4. Peninsula Museum of Art, 1777 California Drive, Burlingame. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesdays through Sundays. Free admission. 650-692-2101 or